Navigating Child Custody with Schools Reopening

With all of the unpredictability that came along with COVID-19 and with schools closing, many parents are left wondering, “what’s next?”  The Wake County Public School System opted to begin the school year online, but be sure to check your child’s school district for the most up-to-date information.  This new era of schooling may be difficult to navigate, especially when trying to work with an ex-spouse.  Here are some helpful tips when working through these difficult times:

  1. Follow your court order or child custody agreement.  Even during quarantine, parents were urged to continue following their child custody orders.  With schools reopening, please continue to follow your custody orders unless you and your co-parent agree otherwise.
  2. Remain consistent.  Transitioning to remote learning will not be easy for children, so maintaining a consistent schedule is imperative.
  3. Communicate openly.  It is important that you communicate with your co-parent and make sure you are both on the same page regarding your child’s education.  The more in-sync you and your co-parent are, the smoother this process will go.
  4. Remain flexible.  Despite having a plan in place, these are new and difficult times.  If something comes up with your co-parent that requires you to deviate from your plan, try to be open-minded and work together.
  5. Remember that safety is first.  If you or your co-parent begin to exhibit symptoms of COVID-19, you may need to adjust your custodial schedule.  No parent wants to give up any of their custodial time, but we have to remember that the safety and education of our children comes first.

If you have any questions about your custody order, contact our office and schedule a consult with one of our attorneys today.